Directions to KHS

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Most KHS athletic events are held at our main campus on the south side of town. However, some athletic events take place at other venues around the city of Kokomo. Contact our athletic department at 765-455-8053 (voice) for exact details.

To main campus: From Indiana 931 (the old U.S. 31), head west on Lincoln Road for approximately 2.3 miles. KHS is located at the corner of Berkley Road and Lincoln Road.

From the west on Indiana 26, head north on 200 W for approximately 2.6 miles to Lincoln Rd. Turn right and proceed east for approximately 1/2 mile.

To Memorial Gym: From Indiana 931 (the old U.S. 31), head west on Sycamore St. for approximately 1.1 miles until you come to Apperson Way. Memorial Gym is located one block south. It is directly across from Central Middle International School (former home of KHS).

From the west on Indiana 22, turn south at Washington St. and go one block. Turn left at the main fire station and proceed on Superior St. to Apperson Way.

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