Kokomo School Corporation celebrated the Kokomo High School Class of 2020 with a virtual commencement Friday, June 5th. This virtual ceremony aired on the KGOV television station (Comcast Channel 2), while the ceremony also was streamed on the homepage of the district website (kokomoschools.com), and on the Kokomo High School Facebook page.
The commencement for the KHS Class of 2020 featured a welcome from Principal Angela Blessing, performances from the Kokomo High School Choir, remarks from Senior Class President Brayden York, Presentation of Seniors, a message from the Board of School Trustees, speeches from Class of 2020 Valedictorian Gene Yang and Salutatorian Aditya Sood, and Presentation of Diplomas.
Diplomas were presented to students individually with small family units present during separately scheduled time spots the week before the virtual commencement aired.
Kokomo Schools hopes family members, alumni, and the Kokomo community enjoyed, virtually, the commencement celebration of the Kokomo High School Class of 2020!